Logo, Life Reset Solutions, Clinical Psychologist in Glenview, IL

Life Reset Solutions is a behavioral health practice specializing in Cognitive Behavioral Therapies rooted in the science of mind-body health, compassion, mindfulness, and acceptance.

Ready to stop suffering and start thriving in the way you live, love, parent, and lead? Here's how we can help:


Therapy Services

Heal your past and remove present-day barriers to create a happier, healthier, more fulfilling life.

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Coaching Services

Get unstuck and align what you do, think, and feel with your deepest values and long-term goals.

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Tools to help you stop struggling and start thriving in your relationships, work, and life.

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About Our Practice

Life Reset Solutions was originally founded to enable people and their loved ones to be resilient and foster wellbeing in the face of chronic disease and life-threatening illness. As we evolved to better meet the needs of the community, we have expanded our services to a focus on decreasing anxiety, depression, stress, and burnout in our lives and the world of work, alongside helping parents and couples cultivate a deeper sense of trust, respect, kindness, and connection in their relationships.

Our aim is to alleviate human suffering and cultivate resilience, thriving, and true, authentic happiness in people’s lives. Our philosophy extends beyond diagnostic labels and psychopathology to a deep respect for the whole person – body, mind, spirit, and community.

Whatever your struggles, challenges, or disappointments that cause you pain: from an erosion in the quality of your health, relationships, family life, or career to self-doubt, burnout, and the stressors of daily life, our practitioners offer a compassionate guide for creating meaningful change and cultivating courage, wisdom, resilience, and thriving in every aspect of your life.

Contact us to schedule a free, 15-minute consultation call today to learn more about how we may support you and answer any questions you have

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